Remuneration method

Law Firm ADVOKATI HEINRICH provides legal services for consideration which is agreed prior to the commencement of the work in accordance with the applicable Slovak laws and regulations, especially Ministry of Justice regulation No. 655/2004 Coll. on lawyer´s fees and compensations for the provision of legal services.


Lawyer’s fee is always set by mutual agreement between the lawyer and client, and it always precedes the start of providing legal services. If the lawyer’s fee is not set by mutual agreement between the lawyer and the client, lawyer’s fees are determined by provisions on the tariff compensation in the above mentioned regulation.


Types of contract fees:
Our Law Firm offers its clients the following types of contract fees:


  • hour fee – determined by the number of hours spent objectively on dealing with the client’s case
  • flat fee – determined by one flat compensation

a) for provision of legal services in a definite or indefinite time

b) for complete handling of the case or a set of cases

  • share fee – determined by a share on the value of an object that is the subject to the case before court or other authority, if the result of this hearing is very uncertain, taking into account all the circumstances
  • tariff fee – determined by the tariff value of the object or the type of the object or rights on it and the number of legal services the lawyer carried out in the matter and this is determined either according to the base tariff fee in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Justice No. 655/2004 Coll. or agreed otherwise


In addition to the lawyer’s fee, the lawyer is entitled also to reimbursement of cash expenses which are objectively and demonstrably connected to the provision of legal services, especially for legal fees and other administrative fees, travel and telecommunications expenses and expenses for expert testimonies and depreciation as well as compensation for loss of time spent traveling to and from places that are not the seat of the lawyer. A lawyer shall present the client with a total expenses bill at the final statement of account meeting.

The agreed lawyer’s fee, however, includes the reimbursement for local telecommunications expenses, and local transportation and administrative expenses of the lawyer connected to the provision of legal services to the client.


The first meeting with a lawyer, during which the client presents his or her demands and legal problem and in which the lawyer and his client agree on further cooperation, is in our law firm provided free of charge.

Further details concerning the terms and conditions of our services can be obtained at our office.